Hi, I am Marco Baggio.
I just recently graduated in Data Science at the University of Padua. I am currently working as a Data Engineer for Data Reply. Having just completed my studies in computer science and data science I am looking forward to finding a job that can put me to the test, consolidate and enhance my knowledge in both fields. After my recent internship at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, I have discovered a passion for the world of data engineering which I would gladly follow, but I am also open to new experiences revolving around my fields of knowledge.

04/2021 - Today
I am currently working as a Junior Data Engineer at Data Reply. My tasks involve handling ingestions of data influx from various external database structures into the Unipol data lake. I am in charge of setting up the database structure, preparing the means of data retrieval, and setting up an automated process of ingestion.
Detailed achievements:
- Familiarity with Spark, Hadoop hdfs, Hive, Impala, Splunk and Yarn as well as the Cloudera platform;
- Knowledge of various means for the handling of incoming data;
- Teamwork and structured workflows.
01/03/2020 - 24/02/2021
During this internship I was tasked to study Complex Event Recognition state of the art and develop a distributed system for CER problems. The objective was to analyze the efficiency of a distribution system when applied to a CER problem in order to adapt the state of the art to the Big Data environment.
Detailed achievements:
- State of the art Complex Event Recognition studies
- Distribution strategies and algorithms
- Ad hoc distribution strategies
- Distribution environments
13/06/2017 - 12/12/2017
I was hired to study, analize and produce algorithms and application like Ai systems, smart agent and automatic leaderboards to boost growth and automation of learning experiences. During this period I’ve joined the development team to realize custom LMS online platforms for clients like Kasanova, Centrocot, Unox and Costa Crociere.
Detailed achievements:
- Improved knowledge of Moodle platform as a template for LMS deployment
- Basic studies of efficiency algorithms.
Oct 2016 - Dec 2016
During my internship I’ve analized part of Gartner documentation regarding Application Portfolio Management Applications. I’ve also written the documentation needed in order to define a new APM application that interacts with other applications property of my guest company.
Detailed achievements:
- Improved knowledge of Gartner documentation;
- Detailed studies of Application Portfolio Management's papers.
September 2015 - July 2016
The project asked our group to deploy a platform that, given a set of machineries linked to an internet connection streaming a flow of data, could determine and prevent future breakdowns.
Detailed achievements:
- I was in charge of developing the algorithm used to calculate future datas and learn from previous breakdown signals in order to send a warning based on these informations
10/2017 - 02/2021
University of Padua
2012 - 2017
University of Padua
Via Giambattista Morgagni, 42, 35122, Padova, Italy